Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Poll & Interview on the War in Iraq

I had the oprotunity of taking a poll on if the people in Harlan aprooved or disaprooved the War in Iraq. The results of this were quite amazing. Out of the 100 people I asked only 10 of them said they aprooved of the war, 60 of them disaprooved of the war , and 30 had mixed feelings about it. I was fortunate to interview two of the people who shared different views about the war.

Q: Do you aproove of the war in Iraq why or why not?

A: No I do not because we went over there on false findings that there were weapons of mass destrion. And now you are seeing that many people are not happy with the war.

Q: What do you think of the bill that congress passed saying they want a withdrawl of troops in Iraq in a year?

A: I do think that we need to get out of Iraq so I favor it, but even though I favor it I think it would be a good idea if we wait for the Iraqi government to be able to take care of things then remove our troops from Iraq.

I asked a different person their idea on the war.

Then I asked the other person the same questions.

Q: Do you aproove of the war in Iraq why or why not?

A: I don’t know I can see both sides of the argument but I still can’t some to agree or disagree.

Q: What do you think of the bill that congress passed saying they want a withdrawl of troops in Iraq in a year?A: I don’t know what to say about it because althoungh it gives the troops a hopre of coming home and being with their families it also gives the enemies a timeline that they would have to survive unill they left and would think they won.

Thank you two for helping spread some of your ideas with the openminded HCHS students. This is Ryan3 Signing off.


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