Thursday, August 9, 2007

08-06-07 MINUTES


(For approval on 08-20-07)

August 6, 2007

The Board met for a regularly scheduled meeting at 7:00 p.m. Monday, August 6, 2007, in the Board Room at Harlan Community High School. President Steve Kenkel presided with Board members Steve Finn, Al Hazelton, Tony Hough, and Suzy Larson Christensen and Tammy Schwartz present. Bruce Goeser was absent.

Administrators Present: Bill Decker, Scott Frohlich, Duane Magee, Jeff Moser, Mitch Osborn and Justin Wagner

Staff Present: Tanya Bruck, Deb Campbell, Lisa Connell, Randi Daniels, Lisa Hagemeier, Kristy Hansen, Mary Jensen, Gayette Kennedy

Media Present: Amy Barrett, Bob Bjoin

PRESENTATION: Deb Campbell informed the Board of an upcoming program entitled “Rachel’s Challenge” which will be presented to the student body on September 7, 2007, as well as a community presentation on September 8, 2007.

PRESENTATION: Tanya Bruck, Deb Campbell, Randi Daniels and Gayette Kennedy outlined for the Board how the concept of co-teaching will work at the high school this year. This concept teams a regular ed teacher and a special ed teacher in the same classroom working with all students.

APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Hough moved, seconded by Schwartz, to approve the agenda with the request for approval of the resignation of Janene Willcoxen as an addition. Motion carried 6-0.

RESIGNATION OF PERSONNEL: Larson Christensen moved, seconded by Finn, to accept the resignation of Linda Fiscus as West Ridge Special Ed Associate. Motion carried 6-0. Hazelton moved, seconded by Finn to accept the resignation of Janene Willcoxen as Middle School Clerical associate. Motion carried 6-0.

EMPLOYMENT OF PERSONNEL: Finn moved, seconded by Hough, to approve the employment of Melissa Golden as HS night custodian; Vince Heese, Marvin Bissen and Sheryl Bierl as bus drivers. Motion carried 6-0.

COMPUTER BIDS: Finn moved, seconded by Hazelton, to approve the purchase of 35 computers from Heartland Technology Services at a cost of $751 per machine. Motion carried

6-0. Hough moved, seconded by Larson Christensen to approve the purchase of 10 LCD Monitors at a cost of $149.00 each. Motion carried 6-0.

FOOD SERVICE DIRECTOR CONTRACT: Finn moved, seconded by Hazelton, to approve the 2007-2008 contract for Food Service Director Judi Olson in the amount of $19,812. This contract is issued as a supervisory position rather than an hourly position.

APPROVAL OF K-12 COMPONENT TO STUDENT HANDBOOKS: Larson Christensen moved, seconded by Finn, to approve the K-12 Component to the Student Handbook. Approval of this handbook includes consistency in wording that is repeated throughout the handbook. Motion carried 6-0.

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August 6, 2007

APPROVAL OF SUPPORT STAFF HANDBOOKS: Larson Christensen moved, seconded by Finn to approve the support staff handbook for 2007-2008. Approval of this handbook includes consistency in wording that is repeated throughout the handbook. Motion carried 6-0.

FIRST READING POLICY AMENDMENTS: The Board gave first reading to amendments to the following policies:

2001 - Superintendent Qualification, Recruitment, Appointment, 2100 - Administrator Qualifications, Recruitment, Appointment

4091 - Classified Employee - Qualification, Recruitment, Appointment

4092 - License Employee - Qualification, Recruitment, Appointment

4470 - Equal Employment Opportunity

5900 - Equal Educational Opportunity

6160 - Multicultural/Gender Fair Education

These policies will be presented for second (final) approval at the September Board meeting.


The Board gave first reading to the following policies for adoption:

1535 - Student Memorials

3801 - Notice of Nondiscrimination

3802 - Anti-Bullying/Harassment Policy

4525 - Grievance Procedure

6145 - Goals and Objective of the Education Program (Option I)

6146 - Goals and Objectives of the Education Program (Option II)

6147 - Objectives for Equal Educational Opportunities for Students

These policies will be presented for second (final) approval at the September Board meeting.

ADJOURN: Finn moved, seconded by Larson Christensen to adjourn. Motion carried 6-0 and the meeting was adjourned at 9:14 p.m.

________________________________ ______________________________

Board President Board Secretary

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