Sunday, September 23, 2007

Band? Does it really matter?!

In this newsblog, I Emily B will be interviewing a fellow classmate. In the search for understanding the life of a band member. Some people take band members for granit. Honestly just imagine how much guts it must take for these extremely talented people to march out on to the field at halftime playing this music, to a crowd of strangers. I want you to think about that as you reas this and then maybe you'll rethink your out look on the life of a band member!

Question- What instrument do you play?

Answer- Trumpet

Question- How long have you been playing the trumpet?

Answer- Since 5th grade

Question- Have u played any other intrustments?

Answer- I took piano lessons for a couple years when I was younger.

Question- Do you think that they helped you understand the music better now?

Answer- Yes I think it helped me be able to read music a lot easier and be able to hear the notes in my head. I also think vocal helps a lot with rythms and other things.

Question- Do you think that being a freshman hurts you at all in positon?

Answer-Umm well maybe a little. But, it's based on range if u can play high then u may be put on first part take Nate M for example. Mr. Crilly needs strong players on all parts though.

Question- Do you think upperclassman take advantage of there age in band?

Answer- Some of the upperclassmen take advantage of freshman, but not all of them do. Freshman have to carry out all of the band equipment, but its always been that way.

Questions- Well have you ever been made fun of for being in band?

Answer- Yes, most of the time by other people in band. We call eachother band geeks haha but yeah some people think band is stupid.

Question- How does that make you feel?

Answer- I could care less. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and it's not going to change what I like to do by what other people say

Questions- Do you think band has impacted your life

Answer- Well i think it defianetly has impacted my life. I wouldn't be friend with some of the people i'm friends with if it werent for band.

Question- whats going through your mind while your preparing to peform?

Answer-The music, the routine, and stuff like that

Question- Do you think you will pursew i career in music?

Answer- Well possibly but right now it's hard to decide.

Well there you have it the life of a band member-
So im definately hoping that this Q/A has changed your on band.
This is Emily B signing off good night!

1 comment:

HCHSNewsblog said...

you should proof read this