Wednesday, April 16, 2014

HCHS Boy's Tennis Lose to Lewis Central

The HCHS boy's tennis team fell to 2-3 on the season with a 1-8 loss to the Lewis Central Titans. The Cyclones will travel to Audubon on Thursday, April 17, host Carroll Kuemper on Monday, April 21 and travel to Glenwood on Tuesday, April 22.


#1. Trey Lansman lost 0-8 to Caleb Shudak

#2. Keenan Finn lost 2-8 to Weston Morgan

#3. Isaac Stitz lost 1-8 to Mason Brinkman

#4. Jordan Good lost 3-8 to Ryan Higginbotham

#5. Gabe Ferry lost 2-8 to Josh Jones

#6. Derek Leinen won 8-3 over Jake Dustrup


#1. Lansman/Ferry lost 0-8 to Shudak/Morgan

#2. Finn/Good lost 3-8 to Brinkman/Jones

#3. Stitz/Leinen lost 2-8 to Higginbotham/Brooke

JV Singles:

#1. Josh Buman won 6-1 over Cory Lear

#2. Zach Wingert lost 6-7(6-8) to Colton Lear

#3. Joey Hanson lost 6-7(5-7) to Colton Chubrich

#4. Mark Douget lost 3-6 to Mitch Moen

JV Doubles:

#1. Mark Douget/Josh Buman won 6-4 over Moen/Scheidle

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