Tuesday, July 17, 2007

The questions on Primetime

Mitch Gross and I did our news blog on Primetime. We interviewed senior Mitchel Petersen and freshman Abby Mahlberg(interwiews shown above). We asked them questions about Primetime and whether or not they thought it was important. We also emailed Mr. Bruns and Ms. Ickes on their thoughts about Primetime.

here is what Mrs. Ickes thought about Prime time

1. What are we trying to accomplish by having Primetime?In my opinion, Prime time is a way for freshman and sophmores to connect to another adult in the school.. to feel as if a teacher is “on their side” and cares for them. It also helps students learn about different opportunities in the school.2. Why do freshmen and sophmores need primetime?

Being new in the school, you don’t always know what’s available to you. 3. Do you think that next year Primetime will still be in our school system?Yes, it may look a little different, but I believe it will be in the school for a while in the future.

4. Do you like primetime, why or why not?

Yes, I feel like I have connected to 11 students and they have connected with me. My group has improved tremeduously with grades and have found new friends through this time we have together. I have met some great kids that don’t have me for a teacher. I would have missed out on their wonderful personalities if we didn’t have Prime time together!5. Is primetime actually helping the school?I think when it comes to improving grades, yes. My kids know that i’m watching their grades on a weekly basis. I send little cards to them about the great job they’re doing or reminder cards for a grade that they may need to work on. Its hard to say if it’s helping everyone, but I know its impacted a few… and in the teaching profession, even impacting a few is a success!

here is what Mr. Bruns thought about Primetime

1. What are we trying to accomplish by having Primetime?The goal of Primetime is to transition former middle school students(9th and 10th graders) into the high school experience. We do a variety of activities to help build responsibility, esteem and job skills. We are also trying to build positive relationships between students and teachers during this time. Relationship building is one of the building blocks of high school education reform.2. Why do freshmen and sophmores need primetime?

As I said in the previous question, it transitions them to high school and teaches them skills they would not get in a typical high school class.

3. Do you think that next year Primetime will still be in our school system?

Yes I do. For freshmen and sophomore students.

4. Do you like primetime, why or why not?

While it is not my favorite period of the day, I see the value in it and it can lead to some interesting discussions. The recent sessions have been very good because students need to know how to fill out job applications and resumes.

5. Is primetime actually helping the school?
It is a bit too early to tell whether it has helped the school in major ways. It may take two more years to really see. However, as the old saying goes, if it benefits one person, then it was worth it. I am positive it has done that and more. It has taught students to participate more, set goals, be responsible, be smart with alcohol and drugs–don’t do them, job skills, etc.

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