Sunday, December 20, 2009

Dancin' In a Winter Wonderland!

Dancin' In A Winter Wonderland! from Chad Bruns on Vimeo.

HCHS is all abuzz with excitement! Christmas Break is fast approaching, semester tests are coming to a close - but more importantly it's time for Sadie Hawkins!

Sadie Hawkins? You know... Sadie Hawkins Dance, in my khaki pants, nothin' better? Still confused? Well, Kelsey and Danielle give you all you'll need to know to... and all set to a catchy soundtrack!

Happy Holidays! :D

1 comment:

HCHSNewsblog said...

Dear Student Body,
The dance has been postponed to January 9th! We hope to see everybody there, you know... when weather permits! :D

Your Friends,
Kelsey and Danielle