Thursday, September 17, 2009

Improv Emerging by Chris Schaben

I, Chris Schaben, am pleased to announce some very exciting news to all you students that are interested in performing, having fun, and working for a good cause – all at the same time! A new club will soon, hopefully, be added to HCHS, and it’s going to be called Improv to Improve. It’s okay to laugh at the cheesy name. I, myself, laughed when I thought of the name, but it is a very appropriate name for this new club. Let me tell you why.

Improv to Improve will be an improvisational theatre club in which we will be doing several improv games and warm-ups. Aren’t sure what improvisational theatre is? Wikipedia describes it as a form of theatre in which the actors use improvisational acting techniques to perform spontaneously. If are familiar with the television show “Whose Line is it Anyway,” you will be happy to know that the improve club will be holding public performances that will have a similar format to an episode of the show and will probably be around one and a half to two hours. But I haven’t even told you about the greatest benefit of this club!

I decided to name this club Improv to Improve, because at each public performance we will be collecting a free-will offering for a charity. By doing this, I am hoping that this club will help raise public awareness about the greatness of improvisational theatre and also raise funds for a good cause, which gives me twice as much motivation to make sure this club succeeds and continues for several years.

Mrs. Daniels, who coaches the speech contest participants every year, will be the sponsor for the improv club. “I already do speech contests, so it made sense to help with the improv club since I already have experience in it,” she said. “I think it’s a good idea, because it will allow for more exposure to speech in general and give students another avenue to be more creative.”

Improv to Improve is currently set to begin after the musical is over in November the first meeting will be announced will be announce around then. Don’t worry if you don’t have any experience in improvising. The point of the club is mainly to have fun and help raise money for a good cause. Anyone is welcome to join! If you have any questions at all, or if you’re a student that is interested in participating in this club, please comment below this post. I look forward to our first meeting and starting a successful team of improvisers. Thank you!

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