Tuesday, April 8, 2014

HCHS Boy's Tennis Defeats St. Albert's 5-4

 The Harlan Community Boy's tennis team evened their 2014 record to 1-1 by defeating St. Albert's in a close 5-4 dual. The meet came down to the #3 doubles match with Isaac Stitz and Josh Buman pulling it out, winning 8-3. "It was a great, hard fought win for us," Coach Chad Bruns said. "I was very pleased with our singles play tonight where we won four out of the six matches. We do need to work harder at improving our doubles play because we continue to struggle in those matches."

Wins in singles by Jordan Good, Gabe Ferry, Derek Leinen and Josh Buman put the Cyclones in a good spot after singles having to win only one of the three doubles matches. "I was feeling pretty confident after the singles matches but you are never in the clear until you win that 5th match," Bruns added. "Unfortunately, we lost the first two doubles matches. "#2 doubles seed Gabe Ferry and Derek Leinen were up their whole match and were two points away from winning but then momentum changed and they lost in a tiebreaker. That was a tough loss. I was very happy to see Isaac and Josh get off to a good start and win fairly easily, 8-3".

The Cyclones host Thomas Jefferson on Tuesday, April 8th and travel to Denison on Thursday, April 10th.


#1. Keenan Finn lost 0-8 to Travis Miller

#2. Isaac Stitz lost 4-8 to Cody Goeser

#3. Jordan Good won 8-5 over Brandon Carlson

#4. Gabe Ferry won 8-3 over Joe Faust

#5. Derek Leinen won 8-1 over Drew Carlson

#6. Josh Buman won 8-2 over Steve Chen


#1. Finn/Good lost 2-8 to Goeser/B. Carlson

#2. Ferry/Leinen lost 8-9(4-7) to Miller/Faust

#3. Stitz/Buman won 8-3 over D. Carlson/Chen

JV Singles:

#1. Zach Wingert won 6-4 over Ray Chen

#2.. Joey Hanson lost 6-7(4-7) to Matt Zajic

#3. Mark Douget lost 0-6 to James Wettengel

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