Friday, May 7, 2010

Teacher Appreciation Video-2010

This Teacher Appreciation video was made by the 2009-2010 HCHS Student Council as a thank you to HCHS teachers and staff. Also included are all the kind words the Student Council gave to teachers during the Hero Ceremony. Enjoy!

Teacher Appreciation Week 2010 from Chad Bruns on Vimeo.

2010 Secret Assembly Hero Ceremony

Mr. Osborn, Mr. Leinen, & Mrs. Andersen,
You display…
1. Leadership – You know what to say when no one is saying anything. You know how to make things happen. Students can always come to you for help and direction.

Mr.Bruck, Mrs. Schaben, & Mr. Kohorst
You have…
2. Courage – You are willing to try new things, take a risk, not afraid to make mistakes, admit you were wrong. You will break the silence in a discussion. You stand up for what you believe. Students see you as a positive role model.

Mrs. DuVal, & E.W.
You display…
3. Laughter – When you laugh, it’s infectious. Never a sneer, but laughter meant for everyone. You take time out to hear the joke of the day or add humor to your class. You are the first to laugh at your own mistakes.

Mr. Petersen, Mr. Fah, & Ms. Buck..
4. Make Others Happy – You are genuinely concerned for students. You care how they are feeling. You lend a helping hand to both students and fellow staff members. You are a joy to have as a friend and colleague.

Mrs. Bruck, Mr. Cundy, Mrs. Boeck, & Mrs. Sams
You are…
5. Sensitive – You are a valuable friend in a time of need. You know when and when not to say something. You seem to know when someone feels left out and you make them feel part of the group. No one feels left out when you’re around.

Mrs. Derby, Mrs. Connell, & Matt Newcomb
You are…
6. Calm in the Face of Strife – Students look to you in times of trouble. They count on you for support and guidance in a crisis. You are not one to believe a rumor when you hear it. You don’t sweat the small stuff.

Mr. Angel, Mrs. McGrath, Ms. Sittig
You are…
7. Patient – You answer student’s questions without making them feel embarrassed. There are no stupid questions. Every student experiences success. You are willing to put yourself on the line. You are always willing to give “Whatever It Takes.”

Mrs. Johnson, Ms. Ickes, & Penny Mahlberg
You are…
8. Supportive – You are supportive of fellow staff members and students. You are always willing to chaperone a dance and the students appreciate your presence. Your colleagues come to you for suggestions and support.

Ms. Thies, Mr. Crilly, Mr. Nelson, & Mr. Britt,
The hero trait you possess is…
9. Music – You have a love for music. Life is a song to sing. You see the beauty of life through the music you make. You might even be caught singing in the hallways. You have a joyful song in your heart.

Mr. Renkly, & Judi Olson
You are…
10. Artistic – You see a special beauty in all of life. Your special warmth and openness makes students feel at home. You recognize and appreciate the gifts and talents of others.

Mr. Fah, Mr. Juhl, & Mr. Wagner
You are…
11. Humble – You do not boast about yourself even though you have every right. You do not make others feel threatened by your ability because you do not flaunt it. Students aren’t afraid to ask you questions or for help.

Ms. Wellman, Mrs. Custer, Paula Hadfield, & Jim Stessman
You have a hero’s…
12. Smile – Your smile is warm and welcoming to students. You smile at students and faculty members in the hall. You brighten anyone’s day.

Mrs. Baughman, & Mr. Connell,
You are…
13. Kind and Caring – You show genuine care and concern for your students. When students are absent, you make a special effort to check on them. Someone having trouble will be a special mission for you.

Mrs. Bryan, Mr. Swanson, Ms. Rasmussen, & Dee Sorensen,
14. Enjoy Others – You like students and enjoy your job. Working at school is more than just a job to you. You are interested in the views and concerns of others. You are a kind person who doesn’t have the need to always be the leader in a group. You make others feel good about themselves. You’re a person others like to share good times with.

Mr. Klaassen, Mr. Bladt, & Richard Finken
15. Like Yourself – You don’t take yourself too seriously and can laugh at your mistakes. You smile often and laugh easily. You give compliments to others without reservation. You accept yourself with all your strengths and weaknesses.

Mrs. Daniels,
16. Speak Well In Front of Others – You accept a challenge even putting yourself on the spot in order to help your students learn. You command respect in your classroom and are a great teacher.

Mr. Hermanson & Mr. Bruns,
You are…
17. Scholarly – You are a lover of knowledge. You stay after school after others have gone home. You seem so organized all the time. You never look tired during exam week. You love being a teacher and will even sometimes study instead of watching television.

Mrs. Greer & Mrs. Thorne,
You are…
18. Gentle – You doodle in soft shades, walking slowing, deliberately, yet gracefully. You have a soft and warm heart. Your way is strong yet gentle.

Mrs. Lansman,
You are…
19. Peaceful – You are a peacemaker. You would walk away from a name caller and say hello to them the next day. Your eyes somehow shine with acceptance of others and all they are. You don’t hold grudges. You are at peace with yourself.

Mrs. Elmquist, Mrs. Miller, & Mrs. Jerrell
You are…
20. Joyful – You can even laugh at yourself when you make a mistake. Your personality brightens up a room. You know how to bring a smile to your students. You make learning fun and exciting.

Mrs. Rauterkus & Joy Schaben…
You are…
21. Outgoing – You are a people person who loves a hug. You plan parties and don’t’ miss the chance to share good times with others. You talk to your students about things other than just school. You take the time to make a new student feel at home in your class. Students enjoy having you at their sporting and social activities. You volunteer to chaperone before you are asked.

Mrs. Kennedy, Tom Stessman, Shirley Ryan, & Sheryl Thomas…
You are…
22. Quiet – You seem to know what you are about. You seem to always have it together.

Mrs. Osborn, Mr. Vis, Mr. Hosack…
You have…
23. Spirit – You get upset when others are apathetic. You are full of life and enjoyable to be with. You have a zest for living and live life as though it’s a celebration. You live life to the fullest.

Mr. Tucker,
You are…
24. Sincere – When you ask “How are you doing?” you really want to know. When asked “How are you doing? You might not say “Fine.” When asked your opinion, you will give it. Wheat people see is what you are.

Mrs. Schnack, Mrs. Thompson, & Mrs. Noeth
You are…
25. A Lady – You are glad to be a woman, proud of your intelligence, gentleness and strength. You have real class and a genuine understanding of your uniqueness.

Mr. Murtaugh, & Mr. Pickett
You are…
26. A Gentleman – You know what it is to be a man. Not the macho man, but a person of warmth, understanding and respect for others.

Mr. Kaster, Jill Plagman
You are…
27. Loving – You are a big teddy bear. You love hugs, flowers, songs, and children. You put needs of others before your own. You would be the first to open your home to twelve foster children.

Mr. Hagemeier, & Mrs. Vis
You are…
28. Real – You see yourself as a natural person. You might ask someone if they are hurting or why is there poverty because you really want to know. Sometimes you seem “so together.” You have many friends of all different ages and groups. You have a code of life you really try to live by.

Faculty and Staff of HCHS…
You are…
29. All Heroes – You put others before yourself. You are a role model for students. You are ones who give yourself to something greater than you are. You really are our HEROES!

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